Gay male porn actors pay

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You can find both prevention messages from HIV organisations and adverts for bareback movies in the same gay magazine. The gay community does not do much to protect its sex workers. The condom appears as if by magic just before penetration, as if showing how to put it on couldn't be sexy. Even in safe films, no effort is made to eroticise condom use. Some productions are ready to pay more for unsafe sex, even shooting films in poorer countries where actors are more likely to accept the risk of HIV infection – the same countries where there is little or no access to anti-retrovirals. But since then, there has been a significant increase in the bareback business, creating pressure to have unprotected sex. Before the arrival of anti-retrovirals in the mid 1990s, the whole industry demanded condoms because so many gay men were dying of Aids. The majority of the gay porn industry continues to use condoms.

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